New members always welcome!

At any given time we have approximately twenty-five members. We are always looking for more gentlemen to join us and if you are at all curious as to whether this is something that you would enjoy, then we strongly encourage you to come along to one or two of our rehearsals.

There is no requirement for you to be able to read music, a number of our members can’t. You’ll find that you can pick up tunes by singing them. And if you feel you can’t sing, well we can probably prove you wrong!

If you would like to meet some of us in a more relaxed environment you will usually find a number of us in The Railway Tavern, Newport (a two minute walk from our rehearsal venue) after rehearsals each Monday.

We rehearse each Monday evening, 7:30 pm until 9:30 p.m. in the Trinity Church, Wellington Road, Newport. You will be made very welcome and of course, there is no commitment to join us on a permanent basis, just see how it goes for a week or two.

Trinity Church, Wellington Road, Newport (Salop)